Cross border maritime spatial planning in the Black Sea – Romania and Bulgaria (MARSPLAN-BS)
EASME/EMFF/2014/ MSP LOT 1/Black Sea/
of 6th Thematic Workshop
Title: MSP Aquaculture and Fisheries
Date: February 28, 2017
Location: Ovidius University of Constanta,
Al. Universitatii 1, Building A, Conference Hall 2, Constanta, Romania
Time | Session (Speaker – topic – time allocated) |
14:30 – 15:00 | Registration of participants |
15:00 – 15:15 | Anca Cristina STANCIU, OUC, RO – Welcome speech |
Laura ALEXANDROV, NIMRD, RO – Opening remarks | |
15:15 – 17:15 | Penyo DYAKOV, MRDPW, BG – Aquaculture and Fisheries in BG (15min) |
Laura ALEXANDROV, NIMRD, RO – Study Case: Aquaculture and Fisheries (15 min) | |
Tania ZAHARIA & Victor NITA, NIMRD, RO – Marine Aquaculture in Romania (15 min) | |
Gheorghe RADU, NIMRD, RO – Marine Fisheries Romania & Bulgaria (15 min) | |
Irina CERNISENCU and George TIGANOV, Danube Delta NIRD, RO – Fisheries in the Danube Delta coastal waters and lagoons (15 min) | |
Cristian DANILOV, NIMRD, RO – Shellfish (15 min) | |
Mirel CRIVAT, NIMRD, RO – Romanian Mussel Farm “Mariculture” (15 min) | |
Moderated discussions (15 min) | |
17:15 – 17:30 | Anca Cristina STANCIU , OUC, RO – Conclusions and closing remarks |