Cross border maritime spatial planning in the Black Sea – Romania and Bulgaria (MARSPLAN-BS)
EASME/EMFF/2014/ MSP LOT 1/Black Sea/
Stakeholder Event In the Working Group no. 6, Case study 1 Eforie area (erosion)
Date: November 16, 2016
Location: Eforie City Hall, Progresului Street, no. 1, EforieSud, Constanta, Romania
The meeting initiated by NIMRD “Grigore Antipa”, Constanta, the Case study 1 responsible partner, was organized by Ovidius University of Constanta.
Time | Session (Speaker – topic – time allocated) |
09:00–12:00 | Welcome speech, Alexandrov Laura (NIMRD) and Mihai Girtu (OUC) |
Introduction to the meeting’s thematic and presentation of the participants, Alexandrov Laura (NIMRD) | |
The project presentation, Iulian Nichersu from INCDD Tulcea | |
Workshops in two parallel thematic groups: Preserving biodiversity and Socio-economic development and spatial planning. | |
13:00-15:00 | · Synthesize and Plenary presentation of results |
Final debate: answers, conclusions and next steps to be taken | |
The closure of the workshop, Alexandrov Laura (NIMRD). |
The Marsplan Project was represented by the following partners:
- NIMRD “G.Antipa”, Constanta
- University “Ovidius”of Constanta
- Danube Delta Institute, INCDD Tulcea
The stakeholders:
- Romanian Naval Authority
- The Coast Guard Constanta
- Sustainable Development Group Constanta
- Maritime Hydrographic Directorate
- I.S.U. Dobrogea, Constanta
- Eforie City Hall